We are pleased to announce that the Diplomat program is being reimagined as part of our Post COVID-19 Re-imagine Hernando. Therefore, a new Ambassadors Program with an Ambassador’s Steering Committee has been formed to run the program.
We are happy to introduce you to your 2020 Ambassador Steering Committee
Chairman - Bob Liebl
As part of our new chamber fiscal year the new Ambassador program and Steering Committee will be refreshed annually so if you are interested in being on the steering committee in 2021 please let chamber staff know. To apply to be an Ambassador please fill out and return the attached PDF to Membership@hernandochamber.com as the committee selects who it would like to be in the program for the remainder of 2020. A grand announcement will be made June 10th.
All applications need to be returned by June 1st. The Ambassadors of 2020 will have their picture and company name prominently displayed on the chamber website. This selection process will happen again in November for the 2021 class.
The steering committee will work with the selected ambassadors “to welcome and develop relationships and to serve the members by assisting them in obtaining the greatest benefits with their chamber membership. Chamber Ambassadors are an informed select group of highly motivated, enthusiastic, and articulate business professionals who serve as the backbone of the chamber and are accountable to those ends.”